Investing is a good way to earn great money without making any special effort. Today, more and more people understand that keeping money under the pillow is no longer an option. You can receive money only once by investing them. After all, money must work. When you invest, you make your money work. That is, you invest money, hoping in the future to get even more money.
But do not forget that investing entails risks. Instead of the expected profit, you can get a loss or even lose all your money. Unfortunately, a huge number of projects turn out to be simple fraud and thousands of investors lose their investments.
The international processing company Pay Engine Ltd is represented under the Best2Pay brand. It has been working since 2012 with successful experts from the banking sector.
Paygine is an open financial platform that, based on Best2Pay solutions, will help business and millions of people to use the crypto currency simply and conveniently in everyday life. The whole essence of this system will work on the basis of integration of components and taking into account regional features of each of the banks with crypto currency. Thus, assistance will be provided in providing a full range of services to clients working with the crypto currency, and the entire financial sector as a whole.
The Paygine project is:
- The White Label. Providing customers with payment instruments regardless of the size of the business.
- Use of the token. After the launch of the project, each holder will have the right to pay for goods or services using tokens in the ratio 1 PGC = 1 USD.
- The strongest team. Banking specialists from different countries with many years of experience. The development team, ready to adapt all our services to a scalable project of any complexity.
The platform has obvious benefits for both customers and for themselves:
For the client, it is a quick launch of new products and services, a reduction in the cost of implementing and maintaining financial services, the ability to provide its users with payment tools under their signage within their own service or sales process, focusing on the core business without diverting resources to meet regulatory requirements.
For the platform, the benefit is as follows: to provide their services to customers in new markets and new segments, and also to earn on the implementation of their services without the extra costs of promotion.
Details of the ICO.
Token Token: PGC
Purchase currency: BTC, ETH, fiat
The minimum amount needed to run the project (Soft Cap): $ 3,000,000
The maximum amount (Hard Cap): $ 66,000,000
The total volume of released tokens is 151 750 000 PGC
Cost of the token: 1PGC = 1 US dollar
Distribution of tokens.
Bonus program.
Use of the token.
1. Paygine platform will provide services only to legal entities for a certain cost, to calculate this cost, the platform fixes the cost of 1 PGC = 1 US dollar. This equality will be unchanged when paying for platform services, regardless of the value of the token on the exchange.
2. Paygine platform will provide the opportunity to pay tokens of PGC services or goods of its customers, for this purpose, the cost is also fixed: 1PGC = 1 US dollar.
3. After popularizing the PGC token and a set of specific liquidity (it will start trading on major exchanges in the world), it will be used as an internal technical currency in a money transfer system based on the Paygine platform instead of BTC or ETH, which will be used for the first time.
The project team
Contact Information:
My bitcointalk profil link:;u=1953448
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